This page lists the different examples that are available on how to use the PST SDK. The source code for these examples can be found in the examples\csharp
directory. When the PST SDK has been installed through the PST Software Suite installer the examples can be found in the Development folder.
- minimal.cs - A minimal example (without safeguards) that shows how to get the PST SDK working.
- listener.cs - An example showing how to implement the PSTech.Pstsdk.Tracker.TrackerListener to receive data and mode changes from the PST Tracker.
- trackingtarget.cs - An example showing how to work with tracking targets from the PST SDK.
- exposure.cs - An example showing how to work with the PST Tracker exposure setting.
- reference.cs - An example showing how to change the reference coordinate system in which tracking results are reported.
- images.cs - An example showing how to enable image transfer and grab images recorded by the the PST Tracker.
- sharedmemory.cs - An example showing how to enable the shared memory communication pipeline for connecting the PST Client.
- restserver.cs - An example showing how to enable the REST server, providing HTTP access to the PST Tracker.