PSTech Namespace Reference


namespace  Pstsdk


class  AlreadyExistsException
 The request could not be executed because the object alreay exists. More...
class  HttpException
 An HTTP error was thrown by the Rest server. More...
class  ImageRetrievalException
 Image retrieval failed. More...
class  InvalidDataException
 Data provided did not match the requirements. More...
class  JSONException
 A JSON parsing error was thrown by the Rest server. More...
class  NotFoundException
 The requested data could not be found. More...
class  NotInitializedException
 Data provided did not match the requirements. More...
class  NotSupportedException
 The requested functionality is not supported by this tracker. More...
class  NullReferenceException
 Internal error. More...
class  OutOfMemoryException
 Failed to allocate memory. More...
class  OutOfRangeException
 The supplied value is outside of the accepted range. More...
class  TrackerException
 Generic tracker exception. More...