In order to be able to run this example, the PST Tracker has to be initialized first. This can be done by starting the PST-Server and the PST-Client applications and making sure the calibration files have been downloaded and a tracking target is available. The tracking target can be the default Reference target or a newly trained or imported target. For more information, please see the Initialization section or check the PST Manual.
When compiling and running this example, please make sure that the required dependencies can be found by the executable (e.g. by copying the Redist
directory into the build directory. When the PST SDK has been installed through the PST Software Suite installer the Redist folder can be found in the Development folder.).
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static void Exithandler(int sig);
#ifdef WIN32
BOOL WINAPI ConsoleHandler(DWORD CEvent)
return TRUE;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
static inline void PrintMatrix(float mat[16])
for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x)
printf("%f \t", mat[x + y * 4]);
static sig_atomic_t running = 1;
static sig_atomic_t restart = 0;
static const uint32_t numberOfSamplesToGrab = 100;
static uint32_t samplesGrabbed = 0;
if (samplesGrabbed++ >= numberOfSamplesToGrab)
running = 0;
switch (mode)
printf("Tracker tracking\n");
printf("Tracker paused\n");
printf("Tracker disconnected\n");
printf("Tracker reconnected\n");
restart = 1;
printf("Mode: %d\n", (int)mode);
static void Exithandler(int sig)
running = 0;
void PrintLastErrorMessage()
char* last_error_message = NULL;
last_error_message = "Failed to allocate memory error.";
printf("last error message: %s \n", last_error_message);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef WIN32
SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)ConsoleHandler, TRUE);
signal(SIGTERM, Exithandler);
signal(SIGKILL, Exithandler);
signal(SIGQUIT, Exithandler);
signal(SIGINT, Exithandler);
#ifdef WIN32
"models.db", argv[1]));
printf("\nNo calibration information could be found in the configuration directory. "
"Please use the PST Server and PST Client application to initialize the PST Tracker and create/import a tracking target. "
"More information can be found in the Initialization section of the PST SDK manual and the PST Manual.\n\n");
printf("Press enter to continue...\n");
return 1;
char* version_string;
printf("Running PST Server version %s \n", version_string);
printf("Put the Reference card in front of the PST in order to see tracking results.\n\n");
double fps;
printf("Frame rate set to %f \n", fps);
while (running == 1)
if (restart == 1)
restart = false;
#ifdef WIN32
return 0;