EPstErrorStatus | pst_alloc_and_get_last_error_message (char **cstring) |
| This function returns the last error message that was recorded by the system. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_init (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| This function initializes the tracker object. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_init1 (PstTracker *ctracker, const char path[]) |
| This function initializes the tracker object. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_init2 (PstTracker *ctracker, const char path[], const char config_file[]) |
| This function initializes the tracker object. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_init3 (PstTracker *ctracker, const char path[], const char config_file[], const char db_file[]) |
| This function initializes the tracker object. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_init4 (PstTracker *ctracker, const char path[], const char config_file[], const char db_file[], const char grabber_name[]) |
| This function initializes the tracker object. More...
void | pst_tracker_destroy (PstTracker *ctracker) |
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_load_calibration_from_local_path (const PstTracker *ctracker, const char path[]) |
| Load calibration information from a given path. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_connected_camera_urls (const PstTracker *ctracker, bool silent, PstCameraURLs *urls) |
| Get URLs of the calibration information for the connected PST Tracker. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_uncalibrated_camera_urls (const PstTracker *ctracker, bool silent, PstCameraURLs *urls) |
| Check if cameras of the connected PST Tracker are calibrated. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_alloc_and_get_version_info (const PstTracker *ctracker, char **version_string) |
| Get version information of the SDK. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_alloc_and_get_config_path (const PstTracker *ctracker, char **config_path) |
| Get the path to the current configuration directory. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_single_measurement (const PstTracker *ctracker, PstTrackerData *cdata) |
| Retrieve the latest PstTrackerData available from the connected PstTracker. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_add_tracker_data_callback (PstTracker *ctracker, void(*on_tracker_data)(const PstTrackerData *, EPstErrorStatus)) |
| Add a callback function for tracker data. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_add_tracker_mode_callback (PstTracker *ctracker, void(*on_tracker_mode)(EPstTrackerMode)) |
| Add a callback function for mode changes. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_add_tracker_callbacks (PstTracker *ctracker, void(*on_tracker_data)(const PstTrackerData *, EPstErrorStatus), void(*on_tracker_mode)(EPstTrackerMode)) |
| Add callback functions for tracker data and mode changes. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_remove_tracker_data_callback (PstTracker *ctracker, void(*on_tracker_data)(const PstTrackerData *, EPstErrorStatus)) |
| Remove a callback function for tracker data. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_remove_tracker_mode_callback (PstTracker *ctracker, void(*on_tracker_mode)(EPstTrackerMode)) |
| Remove a callback function for mode changes. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_remove_tracker_callbacks (PstTracker *ctracker, void(*on_tracker_data)(const PstTrackerData *, EPstErrorStatus), void(*on_tracker_mode)(EPstTrackerMode)) |
| Remove callback functions for tracker data and mode changes. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_start (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Start tracking. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_pause (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Pause tracking. More...
EPstStatusMessage | pst_tracker_system_check (const PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Check if the tracker is running correctly. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_framerate (PstTracker *ctracker, double fps) |
| Set tracker frame rate. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_framerate (const PstTracker *ctracker, double *fps) |
| Get current frame rate. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_alloc_and_get_supported_framerates (const PstTracker *ctracker, float **framerates, size_t *number_of_framerates) |
| Get an array of available frame rates. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_exposure (PstTracker *ctracker, double time) |
| Set the exposure time. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_exposure (const PstTracker *ctracker, double *exposure) |
| Get the current exposure time. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_exposure_range (const PstTracker *ctracker, double *min, double *max) |
| Get the allowed exposure range. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_enable_filtering (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Enable filtering of the tracking results. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_disable_filtering (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Disable filtering of the tracking results. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_position_filter (PstTracker *ctracker, double value) |
| Set the strength of the position filter. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_orientation_filter (PstTracker *ctracker, double value) |
| Set the strength of the orientation filter. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_enable_tremor_filter (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Enable the tremor filter. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_disable_tremor_filter (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Disable the tremor filter. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_enable_image_transfer (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Enable image transfer from the PST Tracker. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_disable_image_transfer (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Disable image transfer from the PST Tracker. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_pst_image (const PstTracker *ctracker, PstImage *image) |
| Retrieve images from the connected PST Tracker. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_alloc_and_get_target_list (const PstTracker *ctracker, PstTargetStatus **statuses, size_t *number_of_statuses) |
| Get TargetStatuses object containing all tracking targets and their status. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_target_info (const PstTracker *ctracker, const char *name, PstTarget *target) |
| Get basic tracking target information. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_target_status (PstTracker *ctracker, const char *name, bool set_active) |
| Set status of a single tracking Target. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_target_status (const PstTracker *ctracker, const char *name, bool *status) |
| Get status of a single tracking Target. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_target_markers (const PstTracker *ctracker, const char *name, PstTargetMarkers *marker_list) |
| Get 3D marker positions of stored tracking target. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_target_id (PstTracker *ctracker, const char *name, int id) |
| Set the id of the tracking target. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_reference (PstTracker *ctracker, const float creference[16], bool relative) |
| Set the reference system in which tracking results are reported. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_set_default_reference (PstTracker *ctracker) |
| Reset the reference system to the default reference system. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_get_reference (const PstTracker *ctracker, float creference[16]) |
| Gets the transformation matrix for the current reference system. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_sdk_enable_shared_memory () |
| Enable shared memory communication layer. More...
void | pst_sdk_disable_shared_memory () |
| Disable shared memory communication layer. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_sdk_enable_rest_server (const char *server_address, const char *server_port, int event_stream_retry_timeout) |
| Enable a REST Server using the HTTP protocol on a local area network. More...
void | pst_sdk_disable_rest_server () |
| Disable the REST server communication layer. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_remove_target_model (PstTracker *ctracker, const char *model_name) |
| Remove a tracking target model from the target model database. More...
void | pst_camera_urls_init (PstCameraURLs *urls) |
void | pst_camera_urls_destroy (PstCameraURLs *urls) |
void | pst_trackerdata_init (PstTrackerData *cdata) |
void | pst_trackerdata_destroy (PstTrackerData *cdata) |
void | pst_image_init (PstImage *image) |
void | pst_image_destroy (PstImage *image) |
void | pst_target_markers_init (PstTargetMarkers *marker_list) |
void | pst_target_markers_destroy (PstTargetMarkers *marker_list) |
const char * | pst_sdk_get_version () |
| Retrieve the SDK version string. More...
void | pst_sdk_enable_logging () |
| Write plug-in status information to the standard C output stream stderr. More...
void | pst_sdk_shutdown () |
| Shutdown the tracking system, stopping tracking. More...
void | pst_free (void *data) |
| Free data allocated by the PST SDK. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_import_json_model (const PstTracker *ctracker, const char *json_model) |
| Import a tracking target model into the target model database. More...
EPstErrorStatus | pst_tracker_export_json_model (const PstTracker *ctracker, const char *model_name, char **model_string) |
| Export a tracking target model as a JSON-formatted string. More...